Direct comission 2019, under construction since 2020/05

Private client

Reinbek, Germany

Team: Marco Zürn, Markus Stern, Marius Mühleisen, Andrea Tumova

In collaboration with Wetzel & von Seht, Hamburg and Ingenieurbuero Karl F. Werner, Aumühle (site supervision). Thanks to Studio Emma Thomas

Photography: Alexander Rosenkranz



Haus CC is a new home for a young family, situated in a natural setting outside of Hamburg. The Plot extends from the street across a small lake to the river Bille. The house is set facing the lake with access beyond the lake offered with a boat house and a small rope ferry.


To the North, the concrete house is less open, protecting its inhabitants from the activity of the street. In contrast to this, large glazed openings offer generous views across a natural setting to the South. High grasses, reed beds and the lake in the foreground are set against a variety of tall trees which frame the scene.


The building reacts to the climate and the local conditions with a veranda that functions as an extension of space to the upper level. On the ground floor the veranda offers an interstitial covered space and creates privacy. Blinds can be closed at 1.5m distance to sit outside in summer.


A round tower on the ground floor transforms to a glazed octagon on the upper level and is the connecting element between the parents‘ realm and the less private kids and family floor on the ground.


The kitchen is located directly in front of the glazed facade facing the lake and the sliding door of the lowered living room can be opened completely.